
The right to set it right

Redress is the setting right or remedying of a problem; it is the removal of causes of a grievance. The procedures should be fair, inexpensive fast and the remedies should be effective.

When are you entitled to redress?

As a consumer you can seek redress for the following reasons:

  • A defective item
  • An item that cannot serve the purpose for which it was purchased
  • An item that does not match what you were led to believe you purchased

How to obtain redress:

If you purchase an item and it does not perform its integral function, then you have grounds for complaint. If you decide to seek redress, you should:

  • Stop using the item
  • Notify the company of your complaint at once
  • Return the item (if you can)
  • Take along your receipt or other proof of purchase
  • Speak with the Manager or Owner about the problem
  • State what form of redress you would like: REFUND, REPAIR or REPLACE

When complaining by letter:

  • Ensure that you give a clear description of the problem
  • Keep a copy of the letter
  • Do not send original receipts, guarantees or other proof of purchase.
  • Send photocopies
  • Provide a phone number and/ or email address where you can be contacted

When complaining by phone:

  • Make a note of what you want to say;
  • Have receipts and useful facts nearby;
  • Record the name of the person with whom you spoke;
  • Note date and time and what was discussed and agreed to;
  • Be calm.

Always check items thoroughly before purchasing to avoid problems in the future

  • Always seek redress from the branch of the store at which you purchased the item

  • If this branch cannot help, contact the Managing Director or CEO at the Head Office

  • If at this point you still cannot get any form of redress, you should contact the Consumer Affairs Division of the Ministry of Trade and Industry to make a formal complaint

    Remember you have the right to the purchase of safe goods and services and the right to be heard.

Always check items thoroughly before purchasing to avoid problems in the future

  • Redress cannot be obtained if:
    You suddenly decide you do not like the item after you have made the purchase
  • You tamper with an item which leads to its malfunction
  • You use an item for purpose/s other than its intended use



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