Consumer Rights & Responsibilities
Caveat Emptor – “Let the buyer beware!”
The Latin phrase is used to remind consumers that they share the responsibility for protecting themselves in the marketplace.
Their rights as consumers will not prevent problems unless they make the effort to be informed consumers.
responsibilities of a consumer
- Understand the terms and conditions of the sale
- Obtain warranties in print or writing
- Save receipts
- Ask questions at the point of sale
- Keep informed about new and different options in the market place
- Report dissatisfaction with goods and services to the supplier
- Inform others of unfair business practices or treatment
- Report apparently unsafe merchandise to the Consumer Affairs Division (CAD)
- Maintain a healthy environment for future generations
- Check item before signing delivery note

rights of a consumer
01. The Right to Safety
- The body, door or handle of a fridge should not shock
- The motor or the cord of a fan should not catch afire
- A toy must not contain toxic substances
02. The Right to Complain
Consumers have a right to complain about faulty merchandise. This means that consumers should:
- Report any dissatisfaction to the supplier
- Make a note of the date of your oral complaint
- Follow up on your verbal complaint in writing
- Provide a copy of your letter of complaint to the Consumer Affairs Division
03. The Right to Choose
Choose wisely and shop within your means. This means that consumers should:
- Plan your purchase
- Shop around before you buy
- Not overspend
04. The Right to Information
- Refund and Return policies
- Full and limited warranties
- Restocking fees
05. The Right to Consumer Education
With a view towards empowering consumers, one of the core functions of the Consumer Affairs Division is to provide consumer education to the public.
The Division engages in awareness campaigns utilizing traditional media such as television, radio, print and social media to reach its national audience. Staff of the Division also conduct outreach programmes that target Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), Community-Based Organisations (CBOs), Schools, Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs) and other groups. In addition, the Division takes advantage of seasonal and situational opportunities to share information wherever consumers may gather in large numbers.
06. The Right to Satisfaction of Basic Needs
- Goods
- Services
- Healthcare
- Sanitation
07. The Right to a Healthy & Sustainable Environment
- Goods
- Services
- Healthcare
- Sanitation
08. The Right to Redress
- A refund if an item is not of merchantable quality
- A replacement of the item, if the consumer is satisfied with same
- Repair of the item if it can be repaired
- A Credit note